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Programs & Services

We strive to unite, inspire, and invest in the next generation of radical chage leaders.

Youth Conference


Are you interested in exposing your students to Gen-Z changemakers breaking barriers all over the world? Are you interested in uniting and encouraging students to pursue public service in their community and beyond? 


Contact us about bringing The Next Gen Come Up's "Be Revolutionary" Tour to your high school or college campus.

Hand Pile of Happy Group

1-on-1 Summer    mentorship

The Next Gen Come Up 1-on1 is a virtual summer Mentorship program -- open to children (ages 10-16) -- that serves youth interested in starting their own community service projects, social enterprises, nonprofit organizations, and even blogs/media platforms. Over the course of 12 weeks, students receive 1-on-1 mentorship from our founder, gain insight into what it means to be a leader, and develop the skills they'd need to be entrepreneurial throughout their service journey. Whether you are interested in STEM, the arts, writing, education, athletics, or other, The Next Gen Come Up guarantees that students will walk away with the tools to become revolutionary leaders in whatever spaces they inhabit. Subscribe to our mailing list to get notifications when registration re-opens!

Hand Pile of Happy Group

Social Justice
Gran ts

The Next Gen Come Up is currently developing social justice grants for College and Highschool students of color that are interested in pursuing higher education in the field of media, entrepreneurship political science, criminal justice, or social justice. If you are interested in contributing to our grant programs, visit our Donate page. if you're a nonprofit interested in creating a scholarship with The Next Gen Come Up, contact us.

work with With us

Are you an organization or person interested in collaborating with us? Are you a brand looking for ways to expand your social impact?

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to  date

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never miss an update or opportunity to contribute! 

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